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There’s not much that can be said about the Covid lockdown that’s not already been mentioned elsewhere. We at Get It Done Cleaning Services were no different to the majority of Fife businesses – most of our staff were placed on furlough and we had to cut operations to a minimum due to so many of our clients also reducing, or completely stopping, their activity.
Of those that continued, we were an important cog in the wheel. Our clients during the lockdown included the oil and gas sector, food distribution, funeral care and medical. It’s not overstating it when we say that we were an essential factor in those clients being able to continue.
It’s with delight and pride that we can say that all Get It Done staff were loyal, professional, diligent, understanding and cheerful. Lockdown meant that they suddenly assumed the proud status of key workers. The majority of the Get It Done team are now back at work and things are slowly beginning to feel normal again.
I mention ‘normal’ with caution, you only have to look at Aberdeen’s return to Covid restrictions as a warning that ‘normal’ could suddenly be taken away again. That’s why we’ve been incredibly strict when it comes to social distancing, sanitisation and all of the other measures in place. In fact, we actually see ourselves as the ones who must set an example.
As businesses return, we at Get It Done are overseeing deep-cleans every day at commercial premises across Fife. As providers of Covid solutions, we must practice what we preach and be seen doing it. Cleaning is an essential and key factor in businesses being able to return, we’re helping to make premises Covid compliant, therefore, WE must be Covid compliant to the letter by setting and maintaining high standards.
Not only have we been deep-cleaning, we’ve also been supplying companies with hand sanitiser stations, hand sanitiser itself, signage and so many of the other now essential products that help to keep us safe from coronavirus.
From St Andrews to Cupar, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline, we’ve so far helped a huge range of different organisations. Restaurants, gyms, office buildings large and small, churches, factories, sports venues and even a rather famous Abbey in Dunfermline.
Lockdown may have eased, but as key workers, we still take our responsibility as cleaners seriously. That’s why we’re proud to be playing an essential role in helping to get Fife businesses returning to their company premises.
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